Admin Panel Homepage / Welcome Page Customization

Yannis Kadiri
We want to enhance the CMS homepage with additional widgets to provide more useful insights at a glance. Currently, the homepage includes two widgets: one displaying the last edited entries and another showing the last published entries.
We will introduce an API for the homepage that will allow users to create their own widgets and fully customize their CMS homepage. Every user has different needs, and with this API, you’ll have the flexibility to design a homepage that works best for you. Whether you need more visibility on project statistics, editorial workflows, or external integrations, you will be able to tailor your CMS homepage accordingly.
We will also introduce new default widgets to improve visibility and efficiency for Community and Paid Edition users.
For the Community Edition:
- User Profile Widget: A dedicated space for user details.
- Project Statistics Widget: Overview of key project metrics (Number of entries, assets, content types, components, admins, API tokens, webhooks, locales)
- Entries Overview Widget: Quick summary of content status (Number of draft entries, modified entries, and published entries)
For the Paid Edition:
- Assigned Entries Widget: Displays entries assigned to the user when the Review Workflows feature is enabled.
- Upcoming Releases Widget: Highlights upcoming releases for better planning.
- Audit Logs Widget: Provides quick access to recent audit logs.
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Niklas Winkels
Merged in a post:
Customize the Admin panel welcome page (Strapi 5)
Marco Wuethrich Pr
In v3 you could override the admin dashboard as follows:
This no longer works in v4, or in other words no one in the community knows how to do this.
The patch-package method is not a sustainable solution and not clean, I see that some people in the community would also like to know how to solve this in v4.
Do we have any updates on this issue?

Niklas Winkels
Merged in a post:
Allow easy replacement of "Welcome to your Strapi app" page
Potential security issue.. because of this, it looks like every strapi installtion in the world can be found by simply googling...
But not just for that. The idea is to easily allow returning something else when hitting the root path. eg, if you put index.html in /public and hit http://localhost:1337/index.html, it will be returned. But not if you hit just http://localhost:1337
googling around this looks hard to do atm

Yannis Kadiri
Merged in a post:
Homepage API to customize the CMS homepage

Yannis Kadiri
This new homepage API will allow users to create their own widgets and fully customize their CMS homepage.
Every user has different needs, and with this API, you’ll have the flexibility to design a homepage that works best for you. Whether you need more visibility on project statistics, editorial workflows, or external integrations, you will be able to tailor your CMS homepage accordingly.

Niklas Winkels
Merged in a post:
HTML Customization for Admin panel Pages

Gilson Gilbert
It was great when we have more customization option in Strapi v3 for admin panel. The community is eagerly waiting for more customization options for admin panel HTML. Hope to have this in v4 or v5

Yannis Kadiri

Andrew Bone
In strapi v5 you can use a plugin to modify the index page in the router something like this
import type { StrapiApp } from '@strapi/strapi/admin';
export default {
register(app: StrapiApp) {
const indexRoute = app.router.routes.find(({ index }) => index);
if (!indexRoute) throw new Error('unable to find index page');
indexRoute.lazy = async () => {
const { App } = await import('./pages/App');
return { Component: App };
Andrew BoneCould you provide more details? Have you tried it on your side? Did it work?

Andrew Bone
I've only tried it in my dev environment but it seems fine.

Rickardo Hyde
Andrew Bone I can't thank you enough. THANK YOU T_T T_T
Andrew Bone
Are these codes located under the /src/index.ts ?
Rickardo Hyde
I have already resolved it, this way is wonderful
Andrew Bone
I have already resolved it, thank you so much!
Andrew Bone
I have already resolved it, thank you so much!

honorsuper Where did you fix it? Can you let me know?
just put those codes under the /src/index.ts
Andrew Bone
do you konw how to customize /admin/auth/forgot-password page

Hugo Lima
Andrew Bone It worked for me. In my case, I edited the register function in src/admin/app.tsx.
honorsuper Do you know how to change it now
put the codes in src/admin/app.tsx,ant it worked for me
Hugo Lima Give me an example

Hugo Lima
rockyxia In the register function located in src/admin/app.tsx, you can find the indexRoute (which represents the default Strapi dashboard homepage) and set its lazy function to load your CustomDashboard component

Kevin Moralez
Would love an update on this

Any update on this? It's marked as V5 but I haven't seen anything about it during launch week so I'm assuming it'll be in a 5.x release?
A Arilanto
It is a very classical feature to have a dashboard of your data in the home page of your backoffice.. and not only strapi don't have it but worse it dont give the developer the possibility to do it.. sad
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