Nested Components (more than 2 levels from the UI)
We want to update the interface to be able to nest more than 2 levels of components in the administration panel. This feature is supported if you update your Content-Types schemas manually. We want to ease everyone's life by supporting this natively from the UI.
Original post:
Currently while building websites with Strapi as a back-end it annoys us as developers that we cannot use more than 2 levels deep of nesting components in the newer versions of Strapi. Take for example a Hero component including a set of cards, and a set of cards also includes buttons which link to different sections in your website. This is simply not possible with newer versions in Strapi.
Aurélien Georget
FYI, we will remove the limits of 2 components. It should be available very soon. Even if we know the user interface might not scale properly, it will unlock some of you while allowing us to capture more precise feedback regarding the use cases and what's need to be updated in the UX/UI.
Douwe Pausma
I still can't seem to be able to nest a dynamic zone in a dynamic zone, I would like to create a columns component, in which you can select various other components like Text or an Image component. Using Strapi 5
Even in Strapi 5 I cant seem to nest dynamic zones only repeatable components.
Derrick Mehaffy
Added in Strapi 5
Alex Provozen
Derrick Mehaffy How can I test it?
Nilay Khandhar
Derrick Mehaffy: how can we test this?
Nilay Khandhar
This feature is in progress since 21st May as per chat history.
Can anyone confirm the timeline when it will launch?
Also will this feature comes only for cloud or for self hosted as well?
Any update on the timeline of this?
Aurélien Georget
in progress
Aurélien Georget
FYI, we will remove the limits of 2 components. It should be available very soon. Even if we know the user interface might not scale properly, it will unlock some of you while allowing us to capture more precise feedback regarding the use cases and what's need to be updated in the UX/UI.
Faruk Kutlu
If Strapi engineers had designed a train with cabinets for long distance travelling, it would definitely have no seats as third level components. Because they know better than people that if you sit while travelling in nested cabinets in wagons, you may not be able to get off the train safely in an emergency.
Thanks God Almighty that Strapi engineers are just developing CMSs.
Aurélien Georget
Aurélien Georget
Merged in a post:
Deeper Component Nesting
Andrei Wilkens
Currently Strapi v4 can only Nest Components 2 levels Deep, which can be limiting.
It would be nice if you could go At least a little bit deeper.
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