Allow configuration of null sorting (first or last)
When sorting entries by a nullable numeric field x, all entries with x = null are put:
At the end if we are sorting in ascending order
At the beginning if we are sorting in descending order
When sorting, null values should come at the beginning for ascending lists and at the end for descending lists.
Thoran Rion
This is must have!
Mike Olund
Instead of making it configurable, can you please just fix the bug in Postgres, so it behaves the same as SQLite? Null should be last when sorting an integer column in descending order, not first.
I'd love this feature as well. I'm sorting on dates where null equals the present.
Thomas Marchant
+1 I want to be able to do this and it's annoying that the Github issue where there was discussion has been moved to this forum where there is no discussion