Full keyboard navigation for Content-Type Builder
Tiana Lemesle
When creating a content type, it would be nice to have full keyboard navigation, like :
- shortcuts to create content types, e.g. Alt+C for collection types, Alt+S for single types, Alt+Shift+C for components ;
- shortcuts to create fields, e.g. Alt+F ;
- autofocus on the "display name" field ;
- shortcuts for selecting the field type, e.g. T for text, E for e-mail, R for rich text, P for password, etc. + arrow navigation ;
- autofocus on the "name" field ;
- a single view for all field settings (no more basic/advanced separation) ;
- a shortcut for finishing, e.g. Ctrl+Enter (Enters currently triggers "add another field" which is perfect) ;
- a shortcut to save, e.g. Ctrl+S ;
- arrow navigation between fields under "Configure the view" ;
- shortcuts to move, e.g. Shift+Arrow ;
- shortcuts to resize, e.g. Shift+Add to expand & Shift+Subtract to shrink ;
- a shortcut to rename, e.g. F2 ;
- etc...