Feature Request: Support for GeoJSON Data and Geographic Queries
Description: It would be highly beneficial to have the ability to access and work with GeoJSON data within the platform. GeoJSON is a widely adopted format for encoding geographic data structures, and enabling its integration would allow for more advanced geographic querying capabilities.
Proposed Feature:
GeoJSON Data Support: Allow users to import and work with GeoJSON files for spatial data representation.
Geographic Querying: Enable the creation of geographic queries (e.g., filtering data based on spatial properties such as proximity, bounding boxes, or specific coordinates) directly within the platform, leveraging GeoJSON geometry types (e.g., Points, LineStrings, and Polygons).
Use Case: This feature would be especially useful for users dealing with spatial data who need to perform geographic analyses or visualizations. Having the ability to create and execute spatial queries on GeoJSON data would streamline workflows that involve mapping, data visualization, and geospatial analysis.
Thank you for considering this feature enhancement.