Allow custom fields to be added for Media fields
Patrick Fabre
Currently, the “Media” field type is predefined so that Media documents only have a few associated information fields: File Name, Alt Text, Caption, and Location to define folders. It is not possible to add fields that would make it possible to classify or filter these Media documents, to find them or display them in a structured way. It would seem logical, however, to be able to freely add fields allowing these elements to be “qualified” (tags or list of choices or an additional free field that is neither a legend nor an alt). This customization, at a minimum, should be able to be done at the global level, but even more logically, it should be able to be done at the level of the field itself, as defined in the collection where it is integrated.
The current experience is as follows:
When I have a Media field in a collection, when using Strapi as a CMS, I can upload a media, but I only have the 4 fields mentioned above to associate information with it.
Experience required:
In such a specific collection, I would like to be able to upload documents via a Media field, but I would like to be able to add other types of information, which will allow me to find them in the media library later or allow me, when I display the information in my document, to present the associated media elements in a structured way, using this or these fields.