Placeholder blurred images
EG Gamer
Useful for Next.js users. The abbility to generate blurred versions of the images and store them in the database as base64 strings so that we can use them in the next/image component.
Derrick Mehaffy
Derrick Mehaffy the package you're referring to, along with all other BlurHash-related packages, are essentially dead — none of them work with version 5. Why not support this functionality natively, considering that all modern websites use it? As it stands, storing images separately from previews or generating them with external tools is a very odd solution.
Kevin Antonio Rateni Iatauro
Just created a plugin that does exactly that, feel free to take a look!
EG Gamer
Kevin Antonio Rateni Iatauro: Thank you! This is what I was looking for! <3
Shokry Suleiman
Kevin Antonio Rateni Iatauro awsome!