Support 2FA (via users & permissions plugin)
Aurélien Georget
If you're building an API which needs a high-security level, it can be very useful to use a 2FA. We could pretty easily support two-factor authentication using the current implementation of the Users & Permissions plugin.
For more details, please see
Been working on a plugin that will extend the functionality. feel free to add issues / ideas:
Unfortunately, we are asked to move aware from Strapi due to non-availability for industry standard security requirement - 2FA. If anyone has any work around to implement 2FA, please let me know.
We absolutely need this. We are currently looking to step away from Strapi as there is no progress al all regarding this issue.
Karl Gochgarian
This feature is very important as it protects access to our apps database
Vladyslav Shestakov
There are 25 thousand of us and we are going to find out why there is still no 2FA support in Strapi
Olivier Wagener
With so many awesome things that Strapi can do, it is incomprehensible to me that having a 2FA option like TOTP is not one of them. Please try to get to this asap.
Luis Miguel Almánzar
We need any form of TOTP for the admin login. It could be via apps or sending the code via email.
Karl Gochgarian
That one looks essential, we're storing very sensitive data and a pentest will definitely report this as a weakness in our system :/
Please consider that request 🙏
Daniel Fortuyn
Would love to see this feature, would be willing to contribute if needed. :)
Dawid Szejnfeld
Any plans for this soon? admin panel must have it to provide better protection. I think this should be treated as a priority.
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